Tag Archives: Betty Rembert

Member Favorites From “Fall 2012” Assignment

Four Excellent and Diverse Examples from ACC Members

First Place – Jay Wild

Jay Wild - First Place Winner - Pumpkin Patch

Jay Wild – First Place Winner – Pumpkin Patch

Second Place – Betty Rembert

Betty Rembert - 2nd Place - Wooly Worm Caterpillar

Betty Rembert – 2nd Place – Wooly Worm Caterpillar

Third Place – Priscilla Popper

Priscilla Popper - 3rd Place - Park Benches in Blowing Rock

Priscilla Popper – 3rd Place – Park Benches in Blowing Rock

Honorable Mention – Christine McCarty

Christine McCarty - Honorable Mention - Bass Lake Reflection

Christine McCarty – Honorable Mention – Bass Lake Reflection

Photo of the Week – Betty Rembert

Towering Sugar Maple – Last Year of Glory?

Old Sugar Maple - Betty Rembert

Old Sugar Maple – Betty Rembert

If there’s one scene within walking distance of her home that attracts Betty over and over again, in any season, it’s this towering maple that has withstood the elements for perhaps a hundred years and is now nearing the end of it’s reign. The top has no growth this year but the lower regions are still hanging on, perhaps for the final fall. Remarks have been heard that fall of 2012 doesn’t live up to the usual annual Ashe County show, with muted color and many leaves simply turning brown and falling off. This may be true but that doesn’t mean there’s no beauty, perhaps just a little more specific and difficult to locate. As the members spread out over the area for this month’s assignment, the results will surely prove this to be the case as does the above image. The beauty of our mountains is in a league of its own. The soft late afternoon light is ideal for the foreground and background.
Canon EOS 5D with an EF24-105mm f/4L IS USM lens at a focal length of 73mm
Exposure 1/400sec at f/8.0
ISO 200
October 5th, 2012 at 5:43pm