Who’s Looking Out Looking In?

Kelly Clampitt - Cowboy Boots
A photograph can certainly tell a story. Or better yet capture a scene that allows the viewer to write his/her own story. Perhaps even ask questions of a philosophical bent regarding the transience of human endeavor as nature inevitably regains the upper hand. Perhaps that thought is a little over the top but the image above does indeed tell a story. Kelly says, “Fascinated by the textures of old homes in decay and curiosity at what gets left behind, I explored my Cousin’s abandoned house in a cow pasture in Oklahoma. Using an old press 4×5 film camera, I took several different exposures which were combined to better balance the indoor/outdoor light contrast. The cows blank expression looking in at me and the folly of humans…..contrasting with the importance of eating grass all day.”
I love the irony and contrast of the “uglyness” on the inside and the beautiful grass, trees and cows on the outside.
the grass is indeed greener on the other side…
thoughtful shot, kelly.
ah lahk i’ – ah lahk i’ alot!!!
ha! put a grin on my face. very nice photo. i like the boot in the wall
I love the boots! Great photo and view point, Kelly!