Category Archives: Landscape

Photographer’s Choice – Nancy Shoemaker

Capturing the Essence

Stephen Shoemaker through Nancy's lens

Stephen Shoemaker through Nancy's lens

What makes this such a compelling image? Is it the composition, following the “Thirds” rule so meticulously? Is it the fact that there’s nothing superfluous, nothing to clutter up the scene and detract from the very definite focal point? The light providing a semi-silhouette and yet with enough clarity to allow the subject to be recognizable? Or maybe it’s the imposing figure standing in front of heavy boulders and the vastness and power of the sea. Or the hat? The shadow? The reflection? Yes, it’s all of this working and coming together to “paint” the painter, to turn the tables on the man usually behind the easel. Here, Nancy is the artist and Stephen the subject.

Photographer’s Choice – Shane Doby

Classic Ballet on the Greatest Stage

Shane Doby - Sunset at Lump Overlook

Shane Doby - Sunset at Lump Overlook

Imagination, skill, careful planning and nature at its best will occasionally provide a remarkable photograph, one that makes all the learning and practice worthwhile. Exposure here is the key word. The background must be exposed to capture the grandeur of the light and color from the setting sun to the gradually darkening clouds, in combination with a clear and sharp outline of a totally black foreground. Having a model, in this case her daughter, Courtney, capable of assuming this classical pose, is a final and vital component. A lovely scene indeed!
The image was captured on March 11 of this year at 6:51pm at Lump Overlook on the Parkway, the same location Martin Seelig has selected for the June Club outing. Dare we hope for another sky like this one?
Canon EOS XSi
Shutter – 1/250 sec
Aperture – f/2.8
Lens – 50mm
ISO – 100