Category Archives: Landscape

Photo of the Week – Shane Doby

A Silhouette With Panache

Courtney Celebrates the Setting Sun

Courtney Celebrates the Setting Sun

Shane and her daughter Courtney traveled to the Parkway’s Lump overlook on a recent July evening and encountered a perfect late summer sky. Shane quickly realized that a silhouette would take advantage of the setting sun, clouds and vibrant color. Wearing a white dress and a sunhat, Courtney was asked to perform some exaggerated poses. Shane noticed a sun flare and framed the shot to place it precisely at her thrust out hip. The position of the arms, the sharply defined pointed fingers, the folds in the dress, the sunhat and other details, all clearly defined, make for an ideal image. The composition is tightly framed with no space wasted. Exposure was determined by metering the sky area.
Shane’s camera is a Canon Rebel XSi fitted with a 50mm f/1.8 II lens. Exposure was 1/250 sec at f/4.0 and the ISO a low 100.

Photo of the Week – Christine McCarty

The Setting Sun’s Palette of Color

Christine McCarty-the Outer Banks at Duck

Christine McCarty-the Outer Banks at Duck

The colors of a setting sun and the NC coast have provided photographers with countless opportunities to test their skills in composition and exposure since the first camera was brought to the area. The above was captured on the sound side of the Outer Banks at Duck at 7:40 in the early evening while the light remained strong and the colors vivid, deepened and saturated by the reflection in the water. The strong vertical pilings, the horizontal floor support beams and the oblique railings leads the eye on a pleasant journey deep into the scene. The reflected trees add a gentle interest to the overall composition. This image easily passes the test for excellent composition and exposure.
Christine used a Canon EOS XTi fitted with the 18-55 mm lens zoomed to the maximum focal length, a shutter speed of 1/800 sec and an aperture of f/5.6.