As The Mind’s Eye Saw It
Christine was recently bicycling in the New River Trail State Park near Fries, Va when she stopped for this wide angle shot of the New. “I am proud of this photo for two reasons. First of all, I like the photo! I am not a big fan of landscapes but I have seen some amazing black and white landscapes that I really love! Secondly, a big challenge I always face is the huge discrepancy between what I see in my mind and what actually appears in the photo! My mind is a fantastic photographer by the way! Anyway when I was taking this photo, this is exactly what I had in mind! I realized the light was not the best but I was thinking about what adjustment I could make rather than not take the photo. As I was composing I was thinking about what I wanted the end result to be and this is it! I knew I would convert to black and white and I knew that I wanted this ‘look’…. and wah la!”If a photographer visualizes an image and then manages to faithfully reproduce that vision into reality, the day’s work has been a success. Successfully communicating that vision to the viewer is the final test. How successful was she?
Canon EOS Rebel T3
Lens:EF-S18-55 f/3.5-5.6 IS II
Focal Length: 21mm
Exposure: 1/250 sec at f/8.0
ISO: 100
Date: June 23, 2013 at 1:41 pm