Author Archives: GAR

Photo of the Week – Kim Hadley

Capturing the Ephemeral

Kim Hadley - Morning Has Broken

Kim Hadley - Morning Has Broken

If you look closely at this image you will find a swing suspended just to the right of the tree trunk. It was this swing that caused Kim to stop by the roadside for a possible photo opportunity. Then the early morning sun began to break through the fog and, as Kim says, “Bring the tree to life”. Working quickly, she made 9 different handheld horizontal exposures in 60 seconds, beginning at the top of the scene with 3 shots across and then repeating the process as she worked her way down. Later the 9 exposures were stitched together in Photoshop to produce the final image. By using this method she managed to obtain not only a detailed, lovely image but at an increased resolution that would later allow a very large, smooth print. It’s unusual to attempt to use this method when the conditions are rapidly changing but she pulled it off magnificently.
Her camera is a Canon 50D with a 28mm focal length lens. The aperture was f/7.1 with a shutter speed of 1/125 second and an ISO of 100.

Photo of the Week – Shane Doby

Crying Over Spilled Milk? Not These Two!

Shane Doby - Clean Up Crew

Shane Doby - Clean Up Crew

The ACC has never had successive Photos of the Week by the same photographer but that rule now flies out the window. Last week it was Shane’s silhouetted dance to the sun, this week it’s an irresistible candid never to be repeated. Capturing a scene like this requires a sense of humor, a ready camera and a willingness to take a chance on the outcome. This is not the time to worry about shutter speed, aperture or ISO-just focus and shoot. Fortunately for all of us, this time it worked and the result is a remarkable unplanned gem that Shane will treasure for the rest of her days. This shot also reinforces the absolute necessity for backing up your photos religiously. It also demonstrates why photography is such a special art, capable of capturing a unique, unforgettable moment in time.

This image is currently on display in the Gallery of the Ashe County Arts Council in West Jefferson.