Tag Archives: Pete Benda

Photographer’s Choice – Pete Benda

Quintessentially Southern France

In village of Molleges in Provence, France

Village of Molleges in Provence, France

Remember Judy’s shot from Saint-Paul Asylum in Saint-Rémy? This image was captured that same morning by Pete in the nearby village of Molleges as they biked through the countryside in Provence. If one were to tour the many small villages in southern France with a sketch pad, depicting different architectural details, the textures in the stone, the wood doors and doorways, the entry steps and railings, and the many plants and flowers that the French grow with such great care, this image could very well be the summation of all those details. The lines, shapes and materials simply merge together so perfectly that it’s difficult to imagine any design improvement.

Pete is a painter as well as a photographer. It would be interesting to see his canvas interpretation of this scene. Perhaps he’ll do that some day and share with us.