Tag Archives: Megan Hutton

Photographer’s Choice – Megan Hutton

Hand Tinted Still Life, B&W Film

Megan Hutton - Hanging Basket

Megan Hutton - Hanging Basket

Megan captured this well composed still life as an assignment while a student at Wilkes Community. The original was taken on black and white film, scanned to digitize the image and brought into Photoshop where she very carefully hand tinted the various objects. The image has a subdued color which is quite different from that taken with color film or a digital camera. It helps to convey an old world timeliness well suited to the various components. There is no “wow” factor here. Rather it’s a calming and comfortable effect, as the photographer intended.
As a bonus, here’s another photo from Megan. This time it’s a digital image taken in September of 2011 with a Nikon Coolpix P7000. A good example of getting close to your subject. Great detail and lighting.