Tag Archives: Janice Mastorio-Worth

Photo of the Week – Janice Mastorio-Worth

Janice Worth has a talent for locating interesting people  in exotic settings, finding the best perspective and framing the scene to tell a complete story.  Below is the capture of Balinese
taking part in a Hindu water purification ceremony where the old is washed away to allow for a new beginning. If you look closely you’ll see five queues, winding peacefully and happily to place  offerings and bathe in the water gushing from fountains spaced along the wall.  It’s probably not a shot that will walk away with the blue ribbon in a juried show as it doesn’t employ any special techniques, there’s nothing here that “grabs” the viewer and perhaps it doesn’t follow the “rules” of composition but overall it has great appeal.

Janice Mastorio-Worth - Hindu Purification Ceremony on the island of Bali

Janice Mastorio-Worth - Hindu Purification Ceremony on the island of Bali

There is an additional shot available here that shows a different perspective on the same scene.