Good Composition, Excellent Focus and Lovely “Bokeh”

Judi Brown – Yellow Goat’s Beard
Judi is not only one of the newer members of the ACC but a recent transplant to Ashe County. Judging by the quality of this image, she brings a great deal of photographic talent to both the Club and the County. It’s somewhat amazing how this rural, somewhat remote area manages to continue to attract so many talented newcomers. This photograph was taken at Daniel Boone Native Gardens in Boone during a recent Flower Photo Stroll led by member Bill Barbour. The yellow goat’s beard is sharply focused and the bright yellow truly stands out against the dark green, softly diffused background. There are no elements included that detract from the main focal point. Shifting the image off center to the right is simply the best approach.
Congratulations to Judi for having the courage as a new member to step forward and share her work with everyone.
Canon EOS 5d
Lens: Tamron AF 18-270mm f/3.5-6.3 Di II VC PZD
Focal Length: 119mm
Exposure: 1/800 sec at f/6.3
ISO: 100