Author Archives: GAR

Photo of the Week – Nicole Robinson

Taking Full Advantage of an Opportunity!

Indian River from Jensen Beach, Florida

Indian River from Jensen Beach, Florida

Nicole had to be up and prepared early to capture this magnificent east coast Florida scene which occurred at 6:17 am. Using her Canon 50D mounted on a tripod, she very carefully framed all the available elements for maximum impact. The lines of the pier and side railings don’t just lead you into the scene but seem to propel you toward the Hutchison Island shore line opposite and the low hanging clouds. The illuminated bridge and its reflection is balanced by the sunlit clouds and their reflections on the right. But such analysis isn’t really necessary to fully enjoy the scene and the moment captured.
The focal length of the lens was a wide 17mm and the shutter speed a slow .4 second wih an aperture setting of f/2.8.

Photo of the Week – Ron Seiverth

The Skies Have It!

View From Bluff Mountain at Perkins Rock

View From Bluff Mountain at Perkins Rock

Ron used his Canon 7D fitted with a 10-20mm wide angle lens at its widest focal length to capture this expansive view of ACC members taking a lunch break on Bluff Mountain. The air was clear, the clouds majestic, the sky a perfect cerulean blue and the temperature in the mid 70’s – a near perfect day for hiking and photography.  The fact that the sun was almost directly overhead for this shot doesn’t appear to have lessened the impact.
From a perspective point of view, it’s interesting to note the distortion common to extreme wide angle lenses. Look at Jay Wild’s left leg (in the jeans on the left side) and the apparent extended length compared to his upper body.
Most of the photographers have their backs to the camera, making it a challenge to identify the individuals. How many do you recognize? Here’s a “cheat sheet” for most ID’s.