Photo of the Week – Patrick Considine

Early May Spring Green in Ashe

Pat Considine - Atop Bluff Mountain at Perkins Rock

Pat Considine - Atop Bluff Mountain at Perkins Rock

“The image is from Perkins Rock overlook on Bluff Mountain, looking down into Buffalo Valley. The early spring green turns gray as it climbs to the top of Three Top Mountain. The sky cooperated with wonderful clouds that shadow the ground and created great color in the sky”, is Pat’s description of this early May capture of mountain ridges in Ashe County. The camera is a Nikon D80 fitted with an 18-135mm f/3.5-5/6 lens at 31mm. The aperture selected was f/22 and the shutter speed 1/250 sec, both indicating a very bright day. Oddly enough the ISO was a high 1100. For making a large print with maximum sharpness and low noise, an aperture in the f/8 to f/11 range with a low ISO of 200 would have been preferable. This is a fine portrait of the mountains we call home.

7 thoughts on “Photo of the Week – Patrick Considine

  1. janice

    i echo gk’s and kh’s comments, i.e. the touch of pink blossoms in the bottom left corner set the stage –and the cloud shadows add another frame. ‘ta bom!

  2. Pat Considine

    Thanks for the comments on the Bluff image. How fortunate we are to share in such beauty.
    I sent George two images from the Bluff, one from Perkins Rock and one from the Bluff overlook. This happens to be the one from the Bluff overlook. You are looking at Phoenix Mountain on the left and Paddy Mountain in the foreground.
    Enjoy this lovely Sunday. Pat

  3. George Kosinski

    Excellent Patrick!

    The textures and depth provided by the cloud shadows and the rich variations in greens supply wonderful interest and enhance the layered folds of the Appalachian Mountains as they gently unveil across the image. Yes! Those shadows are essential.

    The rich pinks and positioning of the blossom gives a lovely starting reference to the foreground.


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