Tag Archives: Polly Terriberry

Photographer’s Choice – Polly Terriberry

A Magnificent Oak captured in the Infrared Spectrum

Polly Terriberry - Oak Tree in  Fauquier County, Virginia

Polly Terriberry - Oak Tree in Fauquier County, Virginia

A standard DSLR has a filter mounted in front of the sensor that blocks the light in the infrared spectrum wavelength longer than that of visible light. It’s possible to replace this blocking filter with a different filter that allows photography in the infrared spectrum which is what Polly had done to a Nikon D70. It should be pointed out that once this change is made, the camera is no longer suitable for normal photography.
Polly had driven pass the oak tree above many times, thinking that it should be photographed. Finally she and a couple of photographer friends decided to meet at the site and take their different approaches to working with the tree. She chose a 28-80mm lens set to its widest angle with an aperture of f/11 and a shutter speed of 1/125 and an ISO of 200. In post processing, she dialed the clarity setting to a minus 100 to obtain the soft, dreamy look in the final image. The result is a totally different and dramatic look at a somewhat ordinary scene.