Tag Archives: Elizabeth Wegmann

Photographer’s Choice – Elizabeth Wegmann

Old and Wild Fabio is Her Favorite

Elizabeth Wegmann - Wild Pony in Grayson Highlands

Elizabeth Wegmann – Wild Pony in Grayson Highlands

If there’s one photographer who has a special relationship with Grayson Highlands State Park in Virginia and the ponies there that roam freely, it has to be Elizabeth. You’ll find her there in all seasons at Massie Gap, heading to Wilburn Ridge in search of her favorites to photograph once again. “Fabio is at least 16 yrs old and a fixture at Grayson Highlands Park…I Love him!”, says Elizabth. Here she captures him straight on, only one eye visible through the wild mane, with whiskers, sharply in focus against a reddish/brown background. The framing allows the soft focus of the background mountain to clearly define the location.

Nikon D7000 with an 18-105mm lens
Focal Length: 105mm
Shutter: 1/400 sec
Aperture: f/10
ISO 1000