Capturing the Beauty of Coastal NC

Kim Hadley – Hazy Morning in Stacy NC
This image is a great example of using High Dynamic Range to bring out the richness of the colors in the grass, the shimmering boardwalk and the contrasting blue of the roof without pushing the envelope too far and losing the softness of the morning light. Kim bracketed three shots at a difference of about 1-1/2 f/stops each, using shutter speeds of 1/20, 1/60 and 1/200/sec, then combined the three for the final photograph. The lens focal length was 41mm, the aperture f/7.1 and the ISO 100.
This is really beautiful! I love the textures of the grass-vs-the water-vs-the dock. So pretty! Good job Kim!!
I love this image…the way the dock leads you into it. So inviting…I can almost smell the salty air…. and surely a “no seeum” is quick to f0llow…I better run in there for coffee…
The pre sun shot is perfection…
very sensual, tactile, and lovely comp!
Wow!!!!! Excellent.
and mine should read “organic and man-made can relate so well” – rushed earlier comment!
Love it! We need an HDR class.
Needless to say, it was the first element I noticed – most enjoyable! Congratulations on getting my attention. A delightful photograph and an example how organic and natural can relate so well in proportion. This dualism continues with other partners in harmony, such as; yellow with purple, vertical with horizontal, sharp with soft, light and dark. The offset of the blue roofed building finishes the arrangement well. The ratios excellent!
Good on ya, Kim!