Category Archives: Landscape

Photo of the Week – Peyton Hale

Rushing Water, Rocks and Turbid Sky – In B & W

Potomac River - Great Falls National Park

Potomac River - Great Falls National Park

What to do when you need a 24 hour break from the daily routine of work? For Peyton the answer is to grab the camera, hop in the car and drive to the Virginia/Maryland border. This image of a rushing Potomac was captured in Great Falls National Park. Peyton found his spot, set up the equipment and waited patiently for the anticipated color of a late afternoon clearing sky but it didn’t happen. Instead these dark, threatening clouds rolled in and his mind shifted from brilliant color to dramatic black and white. Perhaps nature’s plan proved to be beneficial.
His camera was a Canon 5D MarkII fitted with a Canon 17-40L lens @22mm. The desired shutter speed was .8 sec which necessitated an ISO of 320. The post processing was done in Lightroom, PhotoshopCS and Nik Sofware’s Silver Efex Pro 2 the tool for converting to black and white.

Photo of the Week – Nicole Robinson

Taking Full Advantage of an Opportunity!

Indian River from Jensen Beach, Florida

Indian River from Jensen Beach, Florida

Nicole had to be up and prepared early to capture this magnificent east coast Florida scene which occurred at 6:17 am. Using her Canon 50D mounted on a tripod, she very carefully framed all the available elements for maximum impact. The lines of the pier and side railings don’t just lead you into the scene but seem to propel you toward the Hutchison Island shore line opposite and the low hanging clouds. The illuminated bridge and its reflection is balanced by the sunlit clouds and their reflections on the right. But such analysis isn’t really necessary to fully enjoy the scene and the moment captured.
The focal length of the lens was a wide 17mm and the shutter speed a slow .4 second wih an aperture setting of f/2.8.