Category Archives: Florida

Photo of the Week – May Weller

Sunset at Venice FL – and More

May Weller - Florida Sunset

May Weller - Florida Sunset

Every photographer at one time or another will attempt to capture a spectacular sunset. It may be the most photographed of all of nature’s glorious natural paintings. But therein lies a problem-how to stand out from the crowd.  Perhaps this capture provides a good example.  May was at the scene and noticed a couple of surfers trying to ride the apparently calm waves.  With her camera ready, she waited until one walked into the scene and snapped the shutter.  An otherwise empty space now had a focal point in the lower left to balance the sun and pier on the right.  Here also is a perfect example of proper and effective use of the Rule of Thirds.  The rose/orange reflection in the wet sand provides an additional resting area for the eye in the lower right and the pale color dancing on the waves rounds out the completed scene.  One other point to consider.  Think about how much less effective the shot would have been had the surfer been walking out of rather than into the frame.  Click here to view a quickly Photoshopped version showing exactly that.  Does this reversal lessen the impact?